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The script of our life’s journey is already written from the moment we were born. To determine whether the birth conditions were good or bad, we need to look at the country of birth, the region, family, and the education received. This is the order by which a person’s destiny is decided: First is fate, second is luck, third is Feng Shui, fourth is karma, and fifth is study.


At any point in time, everyone has an opportunity to change our own fate. However, most people are reluctant because in order to change our fate, we must change our own personality.


Every person is born with our own unique personality which sets the context for our lives, but most of us are unwilling to acknowledge the dark side of our character and our inadequacy. While we hang on to this unwillingness to learn and change, how can we expect to break through our challenges and elevate our lives?


Time and time again, we will see that successful people are the ones with the right set of personality traits and attitude. They possess a sense of open-mindedness, hunger for knowledge, strong problem-solving skills, and the ability to connect with people. A true winner also understands the value of filial piety, stays away from conflict, and does not succumb to emotions when challenges arise.


We all have the power to improve every aspect of our lives through continuous learning and practicing better habits. If we know not to indulge during times of prosperity, to let go when we experience grief, to see goodness when we are sad, and to seek understanding when we are angry, our lives will already be better than it currently is.

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